Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blog post # 13


How we can use project based learning in science?

1- Watch the video: Exploring Science: Working Scientifically -- embedding formative assessment
2- Watch the video: Plant PBL - Kindergarten Science Project
3- Answer the question in a post that adheres to the standards found in the ACCRS and in Writing A 
Quality Blog Post.

In the video Exploring Science: Working Scientifically -- embedding formative assessment we see Dr. Angela Hall explain the importance of formative assessment and how schools can use it to support and enhance their learners' experience of science, and some examples of how it can be incorporated in Pearson's Exploring science. The Pearson exploring science is a great way to teach science.

In the video Plant PBL - Kindergarten Science Project we see that the teacher made a circle map illustrating every thing we know about planting flowers. They developed a driving question to guide their learning .They developed the guide to help us determine what flower to plant.They observed their plants every couple of days and wrote down their observations. Based on growth and appearance they chose Vinca to plant in the front circle. They ended with their real world application piece and planted flowers. Parents were asked to come and help as a part of their public audience piece. This  project shows how important project based learning is.


  1. Hi Makia! You did an excellent job choosing videos that gave examples on the importance of using PBL in Science. You did an awesome job summarizing the videos. I really liked the second video. I hope all Science teachers engage their students this way. How are you going to incorporate PBL into your classroom? Make sure to always give your position on the driving question. Have a great semester!

  2. Hey Makia I really enjoyed reading your blog post. Keep up the good work!
