Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog post # 6

 Project Based Learning Part 1 and 2:Experiences of 3rd Grade Teacher.The project based learning can cover a variety of different subjects in one project and is effective for learning the content. I learned how to create a PBL plan, and it is more appealing to students.The important thing is that you should go by the standards of the state to make sure the student is learning the content that is needed. iCurio is a site which allows students to safely search websites and filter them for eduction purposes. Discovery Education is a site that has taken mostly all lesson plans and turned them into videos for students.This is good for the classroom and enriches the students' learning experience. In the Anthony -Strange List of Tips for teachers Part 1, they explain that the teacher should be interested in learning. The teacher has to be creative in order to come up with lesson plans and be flexible. Don't Teach Tech -Use It. In this video, Dr.Strange and Mr.Capps explain the good thing about allowing for the students to use technology. As a teacher, you shouldn't be surprised if the student is better at creating PowerPoint than you, but make sure you can help when they have questions.


  1. Makia,
    I really enjoyed your post and I can tell that you thoroughly watched all of the videos and understood the points that Dr. Strange and Mr. Capps were trying to get across to students. Your post was great just remember that each post must contain one link also. Good job putting a picture with an alt modifier, just remember that the alt modifier is what is read to some one and that the title modifier is where you got the picture from. If you need any help or have any questions always ask Dr. Strange or the lab assistants. Keep up the good work.
    Thanks, Lauren Lee

  2. Hi Lauren! Thank you so much you remembered about the link. I will do it.
